Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Playing at Uncle Loui and Aunt Kathy's

The kids enjoyed a stop at the italian ice shop! A great way to cool off from a hot day!

Micah and Daddy got to drive Uncle Tim's convertible over to our evening at the Pappas'

What great adventures Micah found in the South - here is the frog he caught in the Pappas' front yard!

When Nathan and I used to live on the East Coast it became sort-of a tradition for us to all make a pyramid whenever we visited the Pappas home. Well, now we all have kids, so we decided to let them be part of the pyramid this time!

Of course, piling on top of each other for a pyramid quickly turned into horsey rides by all the Daddies!

And what's a night at the Pappas' without any games? Although we didn't stay up until the wee hours of the morning playing, we did get in one game while the kids watched a movie. Guess David was excited about Nathan's farkle roll!

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