Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Celebrating Grandma's 86th Birthday!

On our last day in South Carolina we were able to celebrate my Grandmother's 86th birthday! The kids had fun baking a cake and making cards for Grandma!

Singing Happy Birthday!

The kids all helped her blow out the candles!

We all enjoyed a yummy brunch before the cake was served.

We also got to celebrate Aunt Jan's birthday that day as well!

Bettyfae, Ashlyn Fae, and Barbara Fae

A rare picture of Barbara and Melody. After 9 days together, you'd think Melody and I would have more pictures together, but this was the only one, and our babies wanted to join us for this lone picture!

Grandma with 6 of her 20 great-grandchildren!

Soon after the party we headed to the airport to return home to LA. Only in the south would you find rocking chairs while you wait for the plane. How fun! We had a wonderful time visiting with so many people during our vacation. It was sad to leave (especially for Micah), but it was also nice to return to our family and friends at home. Thanks to all of you who hosted us while we were back East. We are so thankful for all these new memories!

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