Saturday, July 26, 2008

Growing so fast...

Ashlyn turned 4 months old on Thursday. With the last month she is not only getting bigger, but also starting to do more. It's so fun!!! I love this stage with babies as they begin to interact with the world around them. We are so enjoying our baby girl ~ she brings such joy to our lives. Here's a few of her new things from this month...

Sitting with her sweetheart bear
She moved out of the bassinet (and Daddy & Mama's room) into her crib. Micah is thrilled to have a roommate!
Beautiful new facial expressions
Discovering her hands ~ one day I caught her just staring at her hands as she was trying to clasp them together. It was so cute!

Blowing bubbles

Getting an "updo" ~ she finally has enough hair for me to try to play with it a little

Beautiful baby eyes

Her newest thing is licking anything that comes near her mouth. (Watch out if you try to give her a kiss!) She was in her baby bjorn this particular day when I realized that the entire side of it near her face was all wet and her tongue seemed to be glued to it, of course only until we pulled out the camera. We tried to get a picture of that tongue but she just wouldn't cooperate. The tongue, combined with oodles of drool that come forth from her mouth have led us to finally pull out the bibs in an effort to try to keep her shirts dry. It didn't really work with Micah though, so I'm not expecting it to help with her either. It looks like we've got another drooler on our hands...

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