Saturday, November 26, 2011

Moving East

Thirteen years ago, on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, two "kids" loaded up a U-Haul truck and headed west, from North Carolina to California. We were so young, and we had such dreams about what we thought God was going to do. It's hard to believe that was 13 years ago! We stayed in California far longer than we had ever expected and during that time God worked in ways that we never could have imagined. It's amazing to think back through the years and remember all the ways God has shown Himself faithful in our lives. He's given us two precious children and many wonderful friends; He has abundantly provided for all of our needs; He has carried us through difficult health issues; He has blessed us with great biblically-based teaching, both at church and through our educational pursuits; and through it all He has grown and shaped us into the people we are today, preparing us for our next adventure.

Today, 13 years later, on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, we're heading out on a journey to take us back across the Mississippi River, this time to a new life in the Midwest. We're excited and scared; happy and sad. There is a such a jumble of emotions, but in the midst of those emotions, we are grateful for the Lord's clear leading to move us in this direction. Our experience has shown us that we can't even begin to fathom God's plans for us. But we know that regardless of what He does with us and our family, He is sovereign in it and is moving in our lives for our good and His glory. Our hearts ache as we leave behind some incredibly rich relationships. But as believers we are grateful that although miles may separate us physically, these relationships built on the foundation of Christ are enduring throughout eternity.

Before we left California, my sister made me a book and included the words to this song. I love it as it describes so beautifully, the way our hearts feel right now.

Blessed be the tie that binds, our hearts in kindred love;
The fellowship of kindred minds is like to that above.
Before the Father's throne, we pour our ardent prayers;
Our fears, our hopes, our aims, are one, our comfort and our cares.
When we asunder part, it gives us inward pain;
But we shall still be joined in heart, and hope to meet again.
This Glorious hope revives, our courage by the way;
While each in expectation lives, and longs to see the day.
We share our mutual woes, our mutual burdens bear;
And often for each other flows, the sympathizing tear.
From sorrow, toil, and pain, and sin, we shall be free;
And perfect love and friendship reign, through all eternity. Amen.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

We are SO thankful that you were in CA longer than you anticipated! We love you guys and are praying for you! Though you haven't even made it to Chicago yet, you have been greatly missed around here!