Thursday, March 12, 2009

February Highlights

Now that she is crawling, Ashlyn seems to be changing so much every day as she learns new things and discovers the world around her. We are having so much fun with our little princess. And it has been fun to see her and Micah really enjoy playing together now. He is such a great big brother! Here's what we were up to in the month of February...

Ashlyn moved up in the nursery at church. She is now in the crawlers room.

The kids found Daddy's old dog tags. It's amazing how that little tag and chain can provide so much entertainment!

Micah pretended to be an Army man, carrying the dog tags everywhere he went.

We enjoyed a night out at Phantom of the Opera, followed by a stop at Diddy Riese, our favorite Westwood ice cream shop.

For Valentines Day, Micah had fun making sugar cookies and decorating them. He likes LOTS of sprinkles on his cookies.

Daddy bought some fun craft supplies. Micah enjoyed the new Bronco glasses that Daddy made him.

Ashlyn continues to LOVE the bath! She comes crawling quickly anytime she hears someone in the bathroom. She doesn't want to miss a chance to get in that fun water. Whenever she gets in the bath she grabs this cup and won't let go of it til after she gets out.

Happy baby! Ashlyn loves the freedom of crawling all over the house!

She liked the "hair" on Micah's Bronco helmet

Micah always enjoys lovin' on his sister!

Ashlyn crawled under a chair one day and sat there eating her cheerios

We were sick for 2 weeks this month so we tried to get creative with our playtime. Using a Costco box and Trader Joe's bags, Micah made this rocketship all by himself.

Ashlyn also enjoys playing in the fridge. When the door opens she always manages to wriggle her way up to it before I can close the door.

She likes to hold her own bottle now.

11 Months Old!
Our little girl is getting big!

Having fun with the pom-pom.

Micah and Daddy took a hike up in the foothills around our house.

They had a great time together!

They could see the whole city from up there.

It was a steep climb, but Micah proved to be a great hiker!

Playing with one of her favorite toys ~ the phone

I walked in to get Ashlyn after her nap one day and found her like this, standing up in her crib. She was quite proud of her accomplishment! I quickly lowered the mattress though so she won't topple out of bed.

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